
Early this morning, Azerbaijan’s armed forces launched a large-scale military offensive along the line of contact with Artsakh, shelling civilian facilities as well


 Dear compatriots,

Early this morning, Azerbaijan’s armed forces launched a large-scale military offensive along the line of contact with Artsakh, shelling civilian facilities as well.
Reaffirming its own destructive and aggressive nature four years after the April war, the Azerbaijani government has imposed a war on the freedom-loving people of Artsakh. Official Baku bears all the responsibility for the military aggression.
At this crucial moment, the Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia calls on all our compatriots for nationwide solidarity and unity. We reaffirm our readiness to defend the Homeland, stand by the State and the Armenian soldier.
In the warfare imposed by the insidious enemy, each of us is the defender of our homeland. We must soberly assess the situation and stand by our army, strengthen its ranks and the rear front, regardless of political differences.
Because the Homeland is the most precious asset and its protection is above all.
The RPA shall invest all its potential, including its experience and diplomatic ties, to support the sacred struggle for the independence of the people of Artsakh.
Artsakh will never be part of Azerbaijan. God bless our people and our just struggle!
RPA Executive Body

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