


President Serzh Sargsyan, who is in Ararat marz on a working visit, today participated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Vedi reservoir. Present at the ceremony were also the Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Integration and Reforms, Governor of Ararat marz, Chairman of the State Committee on Water Resources, representatives of the diplomatic missions of France and Iran in Armenia, Head of the South Caucasus Office of the French Development Agency, other officials.

At the construction site of the reservoir, the President of Armenia familiarized with the construction blueprint, conversed with the officials responsible for the project and construction workers. According to them, the blueprint for the Vedi reservoir has been prepared with the implementation of the best practices which guarantees a high efficiency of this hydro-technical structure and its safety. Construction of the reservoir is an important step in providing consistent irrigation for nearly 7500 hectares of agricultural land of the Ararat valley and ensuring the development of agriculture. It will also assist in the restoration of the ecological balance of Lake Sevan. The blueprint of the reservoir has been prepared by the Artelia Eau & Environment French company and Sher Ingenieurs-Conseils Belgian company together with Jrtuk Ltd. The construction will be carried out by the Armenian Sahakianshin company and Iranian Pega Construction consortium.

Responsible officials expressed hope that the construction from zero of the first in the history of independent Armenia water reservoir will become a starting point for the development of this sphere and assured that in only 3-4 years the results of today’s undertaking will become tangible for over 50,000 farmers of Ararat marz.

Specialists reported to the President of Armenia that the total size of the Vedi reservoir will make 29,43 meters and its water supply will make 32,33 meters. The reservoir will be filled with Vedi and Khosrov flood (free) waters, out of the irrigation cycle. The Vedi reservoir will have two bulwarks, and the surface of the ditch will be 120 hectares. The 90 million Euro worth construction project of the reservoir and irrigation system is implemented through the grants provided by the French Development Agency and co-financing of the Government of Armenia.
The construction works for bulwarks of the Vedi reservoir and auxiliary structures have commenced in March 2017 and are to be concluded in 2021.

The President of Armenia was also reported that in four years planned for the construction, there will be created nearly 250 new jobs with the average monthly wages close to 220-250 thousand AMD. 

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