


President Serzh Sargsyan visited today the Center for Strategic Initiatives of the Government of Armenia. Together with the members of the Board of Trustees of the Center – the Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Integration and Reforms Vache Gabrielian, Minister of Economic Development and Investments Suren Karayan and Executive Director of the Center Alexander Khatcahturian he toured the premise of the Center, familiarized with the existing conditions, and conversed with the staff. Later, the Executive Director presented to Serzh Sargsyan the operational strategy of the Center, primary directions and areas, works, which have been accomplished so far as well as the short-term and long-term programs and cooperation with other interested structures, organizations, and individuals aimed at the implementation of these programs.

The President of Armenia hailed the consistent works of the Center, which was created only months ago by the initiative of the Prime Minister, practical approaches and the working mood and wished success and vigor to call all the programs to life. President Sargsyan also stated his observations and approaches regarding the works of the Center on pivotal areas, stressed the importance of basing the activities on the programs which will yield tangible results and expressed readiness to assist the Center for Strategic Initiatives whenever necessary. 

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