
President Serzh Sargsyan received today delegation headed by the Chairman of the Committee of the RF State Duma on the issues of the CIS member states, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov which has arrived to Armenia to participate at the joint session with the Permanent Commission on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.
The President of Armenia stressed the importance of a steadfast deepening of the relations and cooperation in all areas with Armenia’s strategic partner the Russian Federation and underscored that parliamentarians’ share of work on this is very large.
Serzh Sargsyan noted that in the framework of the integration unions the Armenian-Russian cooperation also harmoniously augments and further strengthens the bilateral relations, opening new prospects for the mutually beneficial partnership.
The President expressed hope that the results of the joint Yerevan session of the Armenian and Russian colleagues from the parliaments of the two countries will bring their input to the strengthening of the interstate ties.
Noting that even though the international economic processes have had a negative impact on the economies of the EEA member states, the Union’s potential to promote the economic development is rather great.
President Sargsyan underscored that Armenia is a staunch advocate of the integration processes and attaches importance of the active work of all member states aimed at moving the process forward consistently.