
Tonight, at the Presidential Palace there took place the official ceremony for the RA Presidential Award for the global contribution to the area of Information Technologies for year 2016. After the ceremony, in honor of the recipient of the award, French scientist, the inventor of datagram, one of the five forefathers of the internet, Executive Director of Open-Root organization Louis Pouzin and his spouse Chantal Lebrument there was given a reception.
The Chairman of the Executive Board of the Global Award of the President of the Republic of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity through IT Hovik Musayelian presented the history of the award created by the Presidential decree for the outstanding contribution to the area of information technology, principles which guide the activities of the selection committee, individuals who received the award, while the member of committee Tony Moroyan presented the curriculum vitae of the winner of this year’s award Louis Pouzin and spoke of his contribution to the area. President Serzh Sargsyan handed the award to Louis Pouzin and at the reception held on this occasion made a statement.
The recipient of the Presidential Award Louis Pouzin said words of gratitude.
“Mr. President, very pleasing words have been addressed to me, and I believe we need to look together into the future. We don’t’ know what’s going to happen with the internet twenty years from now. Today to make the internet safe is a great challenge, that is to make it more adaptable to the people’s needs, and it requires time, energy, work and purposefulness to get the acceptable balance in the areas of industry, research, technology, sociology, and others. In a certain context, we need to avoid the clash of interests. We have to consider that life is much more interesting than death thus we need to move forward, striving to overcome difficulties and in the next ten years probably the society should adapt itself to the era of the internet,” said the Executive Director of Open-Root organization Louis Pouzin.
Address of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan at the official ceremony of the RA Presidential Award for the global contribution to the area of Information Technologies for year 2016
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pouzin,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, I am extremely pleased to present the award which is very precious to us – the Award for the Global Contribution in the Area of Information Technologies. I am honored to bestow it on the Executive Director of the Open-Root Organization Mr. Louis Pouzin. Today we are honoring one of the forefathers of the internet.
Once someone joked that the global internet has been created just for the Armenians, so that Armenians spread all over the world can contact each other quickly, develop and implement joint programs. Mr. Pouzin, we are grateful to you for that. And if seriously, I will say the following: You are a person who participated at the greatest technological revolution in the history of the mankind. The invention of the internet is comparable to the invention of fire, metal processing, and book printing. Those had been truly epic events which changed the world picture and demeanor. You are one of those who have been changing the world and continue to do so.
The first works on the creation of the world-wide web started, if I am not mistaken, during the Cold War. The main objective of the preliminary works conducted at the time was to create alternative means of communication for the commander control, particularly in case of a horrible and unimaginable nuclear war. Thanks God, ghastly confrontation of the Cold War became history, and we need to make efforts and pray that those times do not return while the internet today serves millions in peaceful conditions.
Together with Mr. Pouzin, we once again underscore the importance of peace and cooperation, and internet should be their true and positive result.
Esteemed Mr. Pouzin,
This Award, which we created and are bestowing for the sixth year in a row, is called to recognize those devotees of the information technology area who are contributing to the advancement and unity of the mankind. With this Award, we want to once again stress the significance of the pioneers of the area such as yourself. We need dedicated people who will serve as a role model to our teenagers and young people and you are just like that.
At the outset I noted that this Award holds a special significance for us. And the reason is not only the fact that we need commendable role models for our younger generation. Reasons are much more profound. For Armenia, the development of information technologies is of a strategic importance. In the short as well as long-term perspective our education, science, economy and our entire society in general will be able to move in step with the world only and only if armed with modern information technologies. In the contemporary, rapidly changing world to be competitive for many may mean to be prosperous, but for us it’s a matter of national security. Our vision for our future lies in that very context. For us, you’re a guest from the future.
I congratulate you, dear Mr. Pouzin on receiving this Award. I wish you excellent health and unbound energy in your gratifying work. Please be assured that from now on you have many keen friends in Armenia.
Thank you.