
After the conclusion of the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordzyuzha met with the representatives of the mass media and recapped the results of the Yerevan session.
President Serzh Sargsyan’s statement on the results of the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council
Distinguished representatives of the mass media,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Moments ago, the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council has concluded. At the beginning, I would like to note that based on the results of the session, a number of important documents and decisions has been adopted aimed at the considerable strengthening of the potential of the Organization, collective security and improvement of the mechanisms of its working bodies.
Among main results of the session, I would like to highlight the adoption of the Collective Security Strategy of the CSTO. Works on the drafting of the document were going on for five years, and now they are concluded, just as we stated in Armenia’s priorities at the CSTO.
The Yerevan Strategy of the CSTO sets the priorities of the Organization until 2025 and reconfirms guidelines for the further cooperation on all main directions. The member states have reiterated their readiness to build the relations with the international community based on equality and inalienability of security, refrain from the use of force or threat to use force in international relations and at the same time in the resolution of the emerging problems to giving the priority to the political and diplomatic means. I believe the adoption of the Strategy testifies to a new quality of coordination within the CSTO.
Undoubtedly this, as well as the implementation of the earlier adopted decisions and priorities, set forward by the Republic of Armenia during our presidency, has become possible thanks to a serious, substantial and, as you can see, productive work.
Based on the results of the meeting, a declaration, which reflects our position on the major current international issues has been adopted, the assessment is given to the present situation, considering of course, new threats and challenges. The Heads of State have reconfirmed once again the role of the Organization as a promoter of peace and stability, and the most important instrument for upholding the security and sovereignty of its member states.
In the framework of the CSTO, the partners expressed support to the agreements on the NK problem reached this year in Vienna and Saint Petersburg, aimed at thwarting the rise of tension in the conflict zone, stabilization of the situation and creation of the conditions for moving the peace process forward. At the session, the parties reiterated the necessity of solving the NK issue through the exclusively peaceful means, expressed support to the efforts of the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group aimed at the resolution of the conflict, which are based on the norms and principles of international law, UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act, particularly, on the principles of non-use of force or threat to use force, territorial integrity of the states, legal equality and the right of people for self-determination.
Discussed were many other important issues. We have summarized the results of the works aimed at the improvement of the activities of the Organization, strengthening of its military component and development of its functional capabilities. A decision was adopted on the creation of the CSTO Crisis response center which will carry out functions related to the information, analytical, organizational, technical support of the corresponding decisions adopted by the statutory bodies, as well as exchange of information in the real time regime.
A paper on the development of the joint training of the military personnel has also been signed, as well as a document on the standardization in the framework of the CSTO of the arms and military equipment. These documents are aimed at making the military and military-technical cooperation more substantial, at introducing work formats in line with the contemporary requirements which is also very important.
Documents were signed also related to the fight against international terrorism. In the framework of the CSTO the decision on the Formation of a common list of the recognized terrorist organizations is an important document.
I would also like to highlight the decisions on the regulation of the works of the CSTO Joint Staff, which in line with the adopted document on the structure of the Staff, number of servicemen and distribution of quota positions are aimed at the enhanced efficiency of the mentioned bodies. I would also like to inform that during the meeting held in the restricted format, we took out from the agenda the point related to the CSTO Secretary General and will discuss this issue in the end of the year in Saint Petersburg.
Presidency at the Organization is going to our Belarus friends. I sincerely wish success to Alexander Lukashenko and Belarus in general in the implementation of the decisions adopted in Yerevan, including the events on the 25th anniversary of signing the Collective Security Treaty and 15th anniversary of the CSTO which will take place in 2017. And certainly we are ready to provide comprehensive assistance in these works.
Thank you for your attention.