


President Serzh Sargsyan conducted today a working visit to Gegharkunik and Kotayk marzes.

The President of Armenia was hosted at the Erkrapah sport and recreation compound of the Erkrapah Volunteer Union and at the tent camp of the Startup Armenia conference. Serzh Sargsyan visited also the participants of the Bazeh-2016 pan-Armenian gathering.

During the visit to the sport and recreation Erkrapah compound, which has been functioning since 2015 for three generations of the homeland defenders – junior, young and senior, Serzh Sargsyan toured the camp, familiarized with the daily activities and conditions in the camp. The President congratulated the homeland defenders on a successful course of the sport and teaching gatherings. After the welcoming remarks from different generations of the erkrapahs and the march of the young homeland defenders, Serzh Sargsyan familiarized with the conducted works and teaching courses. The President of Armenia was reported that since May 30, the teaching and sporting gathering at the Erkrapah compound has already hosted 30 shifts from all regions of Armenia, Yerevan, all administrative regions of Artsakh and Spyurk. The camp has also received children from the needy families.

Next, President Serzh Sargsyan visited the tent camp of the educational Sevan Startup Forum at the Sevan National Park. This year the gathering organized by the Startup Armenian educational and scientific Fund in August 18-28 has brought together 350 young people from Yerevan, marzes of Armenia, and Spyurk. The President familiarized with the conditions, different events organized at the camp, startup projects of the winners organized during the conference, and watched a video about the conference.

In the evening, in the framework of his working visit to Kotayk, President in Tsakhkadzor visited the participants of the Bazeh-2016 gathering organized by the Youth Foundation of Armenia. The event, which is held on August 22-28, is attended by over 500 participants from Armenia, Artsakh, Javakhk, and Spyurk. The President of Armenia learned about the events organized in the framework of Bazeh-2016, daily routine of the participants, watched a video narrating about their acitivies, was present at the flashmob organized by the campers and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence, attended sporting events and the exhibition. The President met with the participants of Bazeh-2016 and answered their questions after which Serzh Sargsyan made welcoming remarks. He expressed confidence that the participants of this year’s Bazeh gathering have had interesting time and in this brief period have been able to find new friends, establish new links, and connections. The President said it was important that people who have similar interests, and first of all the young people, are able to find each other. With this regard, Bazeh, according to the President, is a very important platform. Along with new friends, connections and acquaintances Serzh Sargsyan stressed the importance of new ideas, new inspiration and noted that he was confident that these days the participants of Bazeh have had new ideas, interesting discussions, which will continue after they return home.

“I have to confess once again that I think highly of our new generation. It is no secret that in many circumstances and in different milieus there is certain disapproval regarding our young people, the new generation, like they read too little, they are inactive, reject many of our national traditions, trying to introduce foreign trends in our society and so on. I repeat once again: I disagree and don’t think that our youth needs reeducation or patriotic propaganda because there have been critical moments for our country when our young people have manifested themselves in the most splendid way. Obviously, different strata of our society, including different groups of youth have different opinions regarding this or that phenomenon, and it is quite natural and logical - it is the first prerequisite for any society’s development. It is simply unacceptable when in the course of political struggle or discussions attempts are made to solve problems by force or in the worst case scenario – by arms. This is unacceptable,” said the President of Armenia and underscored that violence never yields positive results. On the contrary, it poses danger for the people and the country alike. According to President Sargsyan, violence cannot empower anyone; it can only and only weaken. “I mention this because the so called “revolutionary mood” very often is peculiar for young people too, and that romanticism stems from inexperience. One ought to keep this in mind. Political struggle is a very normal thing, and our young people more than once have taken up political struggle, taken to the streets to protect their rights and the rights of the society. I would like to repeat that it is normal. However it is not normal when people or organizations or agencies are trying to pollute people’s minds and conscience and do it in their own interest,” stressed the President of Armenia and added that nobody can really tell whom serve the people, who “muddy the waters”, because in today’s world methods of struggle have changed and new tricks are being employed and white should be distinguished from black.

Speaking about problems of the youth, the President expressed opinion that today they lack a Western type education but it’s not their fault. It takes a long time to get a competitive model like that and no country has been able to achieve that in a short period of time. Serzh Sargsyan assured that in Armenia the work is underway to get progress on that direction. “Today young people in our country have freedom, have pretty extensive opportunities – freedom of speech, political liberties, opportunities to get education and knowledge. I would like you to use these opportunities fully. I wish you success and would like to stress once again that knowledge is essential, abilities and opportunities must be expanded,” said President Sargsyan addressing the participants of the meeting and assured that next year the youth gathering will be held for a longer period of time.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the President attended the gala-concert organized at the camp of Bazeh-2016 on the occasion of the gathering.


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