


Today, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Argentine Alexan Harutyunian briefed President Serzh Sargsyan on the agenda of the Armenian-Argentinean cooperation, ongoing bilateral programs, accomplishments, as well as existing problems. Present at the meeting were the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, Head of the Armenia-Argentine Parliamentary Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov, Minister of Economy Artsvik Minassian, Deputy Foreign Minister Robert Harutyunian, officials from the Presidential Administration.

Speaking about the Armenian-Argentinean relations, President Serzh Sargsyan noted that they have traditionally been friendly and it is no accident that after Armenia regained independence these relations quickly grew into friendly interstate relations.

Armenia and Argentine reciprocally opened embassies, which were the first in their respective regions, and started to deepen relations in all areas – political, economic, cultural, etc. According to the President, these relations were fortified by over three dozen agreements. “Of course our relations with each country have their peculiarities, have locomotives; in our relations with Argentine the peculiarity is conditioned by the presence of a vibrant Armenian community. Just thanks to the gratifying and active work of Eduardo Ernekian our economic and trade relations are on a decent level, and continue to grow constantly. Even though the turnover numbers do not satisfy as at all, nonetheless, the steep rise registered in the recent period inspires hope that volumes have great potential. No doubt, it is very important that Argentine is the fifth largest investor in Armenia and Argentinean investments have reached almost 400 million USD. I should mention with pleasure activities of the Armenia International Airports company, which carries out the concession management of the Zvartnotz airport and has brought the airport in line with international standards. The majority of foreigners enter Armenia through Zvartnotz airport and receive positive impressions. The airport is Armenia’s introductory business card.

Activities of Tierra de Armenia company, which works in the agricultural sector of Armenia, are very important. It is also about gardening, particularly, introduction of modern technologies in the grape cultivation area. Products of Karas wine factory are recognizable not only in Armenia but also beyond, and these two companies, certainly, pave the way for the Armenian wine production. I believe these companies can also enhance the development of tourism. Not only for foreigners but also from the viewpoint of developing internal tourism; beautiful gardens are interesting sites to visit. Another success story is the Converse Bank which on our financial market constantly offers new products and uses new instruments and through this also enhances competition in the banking area.

The entry of Tango company into the Armenian market can be very promising; it will work in the area of tourism and hotel building. I am confident that the company will be successful. I believe the time has come that we redirect the Armenian-Argentinean businessmen and Argentinean entrepreneurs in general to third countries, inviting their attention to the possibilities existing in Armenia created by our membership at the Eurasian Economic Union. I thing with this regard, Armenia can become a very good platform and a hub. Work on this direction must be intensified.

As you know, soon I meet with the President of Argentine and would like to hear some proposals – what topics can be offered for our discussion, how the President of Argentine can assist in our interstate relations.

Mr. Ambassador, considering the fact that you are also accredited to Chile and Uruguay and we maintain special relations with these countries too, I would like to know what’s being done to attract investments to Armenia,” said the President of Armenia at the beginning of the meeting.

Ambassador Alexan Harutyunian presented perspective and mutually beneficial areas of cooperation, which in case of active engagement, the existing potential of the Armenian-Argentinean relations can be realized fully, further increasing the turnover between the two countries. “I believe that before long already good relations between the President of Armenia and the newly elected President of Argentine, which were formed during your visit to Argentine, will be important from the viewpoint of furthering our relations. During the cordial conversation, you invited him to visit Armenia after his election, and currently we are working on that. I believe we will be able to organize that visit in the nearest future, which will give a boost to the bilateral relations because during his pre-election campaign Mr. Mauricio Macri said that he wanted to visit Armenia and that positive changes take place not only for the friendly people of Armenia but also after that many positive developments take place. He said this before the elections when he was the Mayor. Mr. President, you have mentioned the areas which can become a very good field for cooperation,” said the RA Ambassador in Argentine and reported on the agreements reached on a high level with the leadership of Argentine, Chile, and Uruguay, on the works conducted by the Embassy for the implementation of the reached agreements and forthcoming events. The participants of the meeting presented also works conducted in the interparliamentary and intergovernmental formats and aimed at the development of the Armenian-Argentinean relations.

At the conclusion of the meeting, President Serzh Sargsyan gave instructions to the participants of the meeting and relevant agencies on the discussed issues and programs. 

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