
Today, President Serzh Sargsyan conducted a working visit to Syunik marz. In the framework of the visit, President Sargsyan in Meghri participated at the inauguration of the 14th medical center of the region. The center was created in the framework of the RA President’s directive related to the even development of the marzes. The Meghri Regional Medical Center was established through the merger of the Meghri Medical Center and Agarak Hospital Ltd., with the maintenance of the entire medical staff. The newly opened multifield and modernized hospital will allow to provide the population of the Meghri region with contemporary, high quality and affordable medical services. In the framework of the Modernization of the Healthcare System program, which is financed by the Government of Armenia and the World Bank, this medical center received investments close to 1.62 billiion drams. The newly created center has been equipped with the modern apparatus, furniture and all necessary devises. The Meghri Regional Medical Center is also equipped to conduct long distance treatment.
The President of Armenia together with the senior officials of the healthcare system, representatives of the World Bank, the Center and the local authorities toured the premise of the Meghri Regional Medical Center, familiarized with the existing conditions, learned about the provided medical services, and conversed with the medical staff about the issues related to the activities of the Center. The Minister of Health made a report on the medical programs carried out in Syunik marz in recent years, including the renovation and re-equipment works conducted in the medical centers of Goris, Kajaran, and Kapan. Today, the list has been augmented by the opening of the newly constructed Meghri Regional Medical Center. The Minister presented also the forthcoming programs aimed at the creation in the region of a modern infrastructure and improvements of the existing facilities.
From Syunik, the President of Armenia left for Kajaran, where he participated at the opening of the renovated kindergarten which was done through the financial assistance of the Zangezur copper-molybdenum enterprise. The total cost of renovation and construction works is over 190 million drams. According to the responsible officials, the opening of the kindergarten will allow to accommodate another 90 children of a preschool age and will create in Kajaran 40 new jobs.
Serzh Sargsyan visited also the Zangezur copper-molybdenum enterprise, where he was familiarized with the development programs of the plant, investments, as well as with the conditions created for the workers of the plant. The President toured the territory of the plant, observed recently carried out works aimed at the increase of production and more efficient management of the enterprise, urban development activities conducted by the plant, and its ecological, healthcare and charity programs. At the Zangezur copper-molybdenum plant, Serzh Sargsyan conducted a working meeting, related to the plant’s development programs and issues existing in the mining industry. “The scope of works carried out here is really impressive, and hadn’t these works been done, we would have some additional problems related to the decrease of metal prices at international markets. I recall years 2008-2009 when we had similar problems, and then too we were able to find solutions. Conditions were created to overcome those difficulties. Later, 2011-2012 were most favorable years for the miners to see the fruits of their labor. I have no doubt that solutions will be found this time as well, and not only in Karjaran but in general. Our mining industry has great potential, and enterprises which are operative today must continue their work, even if at prime cost, even if a little below cost with understanding that they are solving not only social problems but also, so to speak, are getting ready to see the future fruits of their labor, that is to say, they are getting ready to gain their profit or redeem their expenses as soon as conditions at the international markets become more favorable. I understand very well that enterprises which are in a more or less good shape and have additional means, or richer ore encounter fewer difficulties than here. But if we view our mining industry as a whole, it looks like you are in a better shape than the others, and not only because the volume of your production is bigger but also, I believe, because years-long consistent work is now yielding results. From our side, I can add that we have always been trying to help because the bulk of revenues to our budget comes from large enterprises, large enterprises solve our social issues. We have been and will continue with our assistance. The Government of Armenia and we all are ready to assist within the scope of our abilities; in many instances we event went beyond our abilities. I would like to thank your owner or owners (I am not sure which), you - the leadership of the plant and, of course, the entire team – starting from the workers, because it is thanks to their good job that today you’re doing fine. I am sure this time too there will be some solutions. I am confident, even though I am not a specialist in this, but I am still confident that one or two years from now, the prices will stabilize and you all with great pleasure and generosity will give a start to social programs for the people of this region,” said the President of Armenia. At the meeting, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the Director General of the plant presented reports on the situation in the mining area and activities of the Zangezur copper-molybdenum plant.
In framework of his working visit to Syunik marz, Serzh Sargsyan also attended the opening ceremony of the new unit of the Kapan regional tax administration. This unit will serve Kapan, Kajaran, Agarak, and Meghri towns, as well as 4318 tax payers of 46 rural communities.
By the 2014 decision of the Government of Armenia, the building which then belonged to the Statistical Service was transferred to the Ministry of Finance, which assigned it to the tax administration of Kapan. Before, the tax administration was operating in a rented building.
At the first floor of this three-story structure, which is furnished with modern equipment, there is a Service Center, where the tax payers will be served based on the “one window” principle. According to the officials from the Ministry of Finance, opening of this center concludes the program of providing the regional tax administrations with their own buildings and equipment. In the framework of the program, the tax administration system has already received 15 totally renovated administrative buildings. The Kapan regional tax administration is number 16 on the list. Renovation of the Echmiadzin and Ijevan tax administration buildings in 2016 will conclude the process of bringing all the units of the regional tax administrations in compliance with modern standards.