
President Serzh Sargsyan today paid a working visit to Gegharkunik and Kotayk marzes.
The RA President was hosted by young campers at the YVU "Yerkrapah" sports training and recreation complex and Youth Educational Forum camp "Together 2015". Serzh Sargsyan also visited the participants of both "Union -2015: Heirs of Victory" international youth military-athletic and educational competition-gathering and "Baze-2015" pan-Armenian youth gathering.
This year the summer camp of "Young Yerkrapah" institution is held in tents at the territory adjacent to the village Tsovinar of Gegharkunik marz. Started from the 1st of June 3600 juveniles and 1000 youngsters from al the RA marzes and all administrative districts of Yerevan city and Artsakh together with 240 Yerkrapah participants of Artsakh Liberation War have participated in sports and educational gathering. The latters have told about their military past to young yerkrapahs (defenders of the country).
Serzh Sargsyan toured the tent camp familiarizing himself with the daily life and conditions of the young campers. The president congratulated them on the occasion of successfully holding the educational and sports gatherings. Having heard the greeting speeches of “Yerkrapah” different generations and having watched the ceremonious march of the “Yerkrapah” young campers he participated in the installation and consecration ceremony of the duplicate of one of the destroyed khachkars (cross-stone) of Jugha in the territory of the camp.
Afterwards, the RA President visited the tent camp of "Together 2015" Panamanian Youth Educational Forum organized by the “Together" youth movement in the territory of “Sevan” National Park. This year more than 400 youngsters from the RA marzes and Yerevan city participate in the gathering, held from the 17th to 30th August. The President spoke to the forum participants, got familiarized with their conditions and the previously held various events. The participants presented the topic of this year gathering – “Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Armenia”. Lectures and a number of educational programs are held in the camp on this topic with support of field specialists, providing the campers with expertise to come forward with their small startup proposals. After visiting the cultural and “Wiki” brigades of the camp the President got familiarized with the startup projects of the youth.
Within the framework of his working visit to Kotayk marz, President Serzh Sargsyan visited "Union -2015: Heirs of Victory" international youth military-athletic and educational competition-gathering installed in the Sports base of Tsakhadzor.
This gathering, held since 2007, is a large-scale social project with a focus on patriotism. The main objective thereof is the organization of patriotic military-athletic and educational events to preserve the national and cultural heritage and strengthen the friendship of the peoples, having contribution in the victory in The Great Patriotic War and, as well as to bring up the youth with a spirit of patriotism. The youngsters aged 14 to17, participating in these gatherings, are the students of the military-athletic and cadet colleges of the Post-Soviet countries.
The RA President watched the military-athletic exercise and the exhibition of both the military equipment and the military and technical products manufactured in Armenia. The participants of the gathering made a present of a stamp, manufactured in the RF by the masters of Ural to the President, wishing it to be put on the documents pertaining to the organization of the Union’s gatherings as often as possible. Expressing his gratitude for the gift Serzh Sargsyan mentioned that it was dear to him also because he had done his conscription in the South Ural. The President underlined that he would also like that stamp to be often put on the documents, pertaining to such kind of gatherings and other youth integration processes in the territory of Armenia and Post-Soviet countries.
In his speech, addressed to the participants of the competition-gathering, the RA President considered it symbolic that the event is held in the jubilee year in honor of the 70-th anniversary of the Great Victory.
“That victory was possible due to the unity of various peoples against the fascism. We have to cherish that victory. We have common glorious history. And all of us are responsible not merely to preserve but also to continue the traditions that existed and still do.
We have to be grateful to those people who have come up with this idea and brought it to life. First of all, this project provides with an opportunity to create a platform for you to get familiarized with the history and culture of each other, to exchange knowledge and, surely, to make new friends. You are the guarantors of the bright future of the coexistence of our peoples. We should understand that there are lots of challenges in the modern world to be surmounted only through joint efforts. You are the disseminators of universal values our grandparents and great grandparents fought for. I am sure that both you and the majority of your peers appraise that and will do their best for that friendship and relations to be eternal. Indeed, those gathering are also an opportunity to make new friends. Any friendship, any cooperation requires continuous efforts, attention and caring attitude”, Serzh Sargsyan said, wishing every success to the participant of the gathering. The President reassured that Armenia was always for the integration processes, enhancement of friendly relations between the peoples. According to him, our country would always make efforts to hold such gatherings one or two times a year. The Participants would make new friends, returning home with warm memories.
In Tsakhadzor the President also visited the participants of "Baze-2015" pan-Armenian youth gathering, organized by Youth Foundation of Armenia. Over 500 youngsters from Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora are taking part in the gathering held from the 17th to the 23th of August. For the first time this year the students of the American University of Armenia, Khanperyants Military Aviation Institute and the Crises Management Academy of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and emergency Situations participate in this gathering. The RA President familiarized himself with the previously held events within the framework of “Baze-2015” gathering, the daily life of campers, watched the video about all this as well as the flesh mob organized by the participants. At the meeting, after answering the questions the campers were interested in, Serzh Sargsyan addressed to the partakers of the gathering:
“Good evening, dear campers. I want to boast a little bit, stating that I took part in all the 13 Baze gatherings, since I like the companionship of the youth, this warm and unfeigned atmosphere. In general, I like the idea of people coming together from deferent edges of Armenia and also Diaspora to discuss challenges and exchange views. It is clear that everyone enjoys spending time outdoors, especially with peers. But I am happy that you spend that time in a productive manner giving birth to new ideas and projects. In general the live communication is very important in our hectic electronic era. Enjoy the privileges provided by the live communication. I am sure that you will return home full of new projects, taking with you warm memories, having made lots of new friends. The experienced Baze campers will indeed confirm this. And all that is necessary for you to spend the rest of your time efficiently. In all the times the problems before the young people are very challenging, since the juvenescence is a period when people are not established yet, have not managed to perform serious deeds (I am not speaking about exceptions). It is an age when the desires and projects are more than the work done. But fortunately, the juvenescence is a wonderful period when everything is still ahead. Never be afraid to accomplish new projects. Even the most ambitious projects are realizable. They become reality if a person is persistent. Be courageous. We are always ready to support you in your education and development. The generation change is a law of nature. Notwithstanding to what extent the seniors will resist they will surrender their place to you. You should be ready to substitute them. I urge you to dispose yourself to the idea of permanently settling in Armenia and develop and implement your projects, considering the Armenian realities and the fact that you will succeed more in Armenia. Be ready to take up that responsibility and act.
Dear friends, 25 years ago we adopted the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia. When adopting the Declaration we were confident that our descendants would live in free and independent Armenia. And today you are the generation of that independence; you are those same children that grew up: men became masculine and women feminine. I am sure that you will cherish our independent. I am sure inheriting that independence you will pass it on to the next generations. And for you to be able to do that better than we obtained it and pass on to you I appeal you to remember forever-independence is not only happiness, independence is not only right, independence is also obligation and responsibility. The moment there is a tendency in Armenia that independence is valuable but let me escape the mandatory military service and not defend our border, the moment there is a tendency in Armenia that independence is valuable, yet let others provide us gas free of charge or with cheap prices, the moment there is a tendency in Armenia that even though there are economic problems in the world, we are Armenians, the citizens of Armenia and those problems should not reach here, believe me at that moment our independence and freedom will be at peril. I once again repeat the independence has its price and each of us is obliged to pay that price. If we are capable to overcome difficulties on time, if we are capable to defend ourselves nothing will happen to us, be sure.
Being young is the best thing in the world. Enjoy the nature, enjoy the warmth of each other, and accumulate energy like an engine to perform good deeds afterwards. I wish you every success”, President Serzh Sargsyan said.
At the end of the meeting the President watched the concert organized on the occasion of the gathering.