


 President Serzh Sargsyan received today Ali Jannati, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The minister heads the delegation participating in the UNESCO international conference titled “Cultural Policy, Politics for Culture.”

Underscoring that throughout their ages-old history, the Armenian and Persian peoples have created a valuable cultural heritage, and that the two peoples have numerous similarities, the president noted that culture undoubtedly occupies a significant place in those similarities.

The interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the fact that bilateral cultural ties lay a solid foundation for the development and deepening of Armenian-Iranian interstate relations in, inter alia, political and economic spheres.

The RA president and Iran’s minister of culture and Islamic guidance agreed that there are no restrictions on the development of the high-level relationship between Armenia and Iran, and attached importance to frequent reciprocal visits to further strengthen bilateral ties. “Difficulties are temporary, but our friendship is eternal. We should do everything to reinforce Armenian-Iranian relations which have great development potential to ensure the well-being of the two peoples and the development of their cultures. We help each other become richer and we make each other richer by connecting to the world through our rich cultural language during our entire history,” said President Serzh Sargsyan.

The Armenian president placed importance on any initiative aimed at raising the awareness of people about the two countries’ and peoples’ history, culture and traditions.

Serzh Sargsyan said that Armenian-Iranian cultural relations trend to develop dynamically and embrace nearly all the kinds of culture – cinema, theatre, literature etc.

The president expressed satisfaction with the fact that in recent years, cooperation on the preservation of cultural heritage has elevated to a qualitatively new level. He expressed his thanks for the work carried out towards the preservation of Armenian historical and cultural heritage in the territory of Iran and for the caring attitude towards that heritage, assuring the minster that Armenia has a similar attitude towards Iran’s historical and cultural heritage.


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