
President Serzh Sargsyan, Chairman of the YSU Board of Trustees, presided over the session of the YSU board which took place today at the meeting hall of the Academic Council.
On the session agenda was the item to elect Rector of the Yerevan State University Foundation. As reported by the secretary of the YSU Board of Trustees, during the open competition, YSU Acting Rector Aram Hrachiki Simonyan, RA NAS associate member and Doctor of Historical Sciences, was self-nominated for the vacant position of rector. At the session, Aram Simonyan, as a pretender, presented his YSU Development Program. Following the presentation and speeches of a number of board members on the pretender, the counting committee, formed in accordance with the established procedure, then summed up the voting results.
As a result of a secret ballot, Aram Simonyan was unanimously elected as Rector-Manager of the Yerevan State University Foundation whose candidacy was backed by the 30 participating board members out of the total 32.
RA President Serzh Sargsyan, Chairman of the YSU Board of Trustees, congratulated the newly-elected rector, wished him success and fruitful work in the belief that Yerevan State University has been and will always be as the central and leading one.
The president noted that the praising speeches of the board members on Aram Simonyan and his activities should impose a high responsibility on the newly-elected rector and regardless of the fact that he had been elected unanimously, Yerevan State University still needs a lot of things to do. According to the president, there will always be a great deal of work to do because there is not any higher educational institution (HEI), any establishment or institution in the world, where people could say that they have done everything and there is nothing more to do. Serzh Sargsyan stressed that those works could be realized only through vigorous efforts and in a constructive atmosphere.
Among the agenda items, the YSU Board of Trustees discussed and resolved to establish the Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Economy at the Faculty of Pharmacology and Chemistry, the Center for the Chinese Language and Culture at the Faculty of International Relations, as well as the Student Services company as a part of the foundation.
The board approved TM Audit CJSC as an auditing entity, and defined its functions, including auditing the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Yerevan State University for 2015 and issuing an independent auditor’s report, providing the 2015 annual revenue and expenditures estimate of the Yerevan State University Foundation and auditing the actual performance statement and issuing an independent auditor’s report.
The session also approved the order to strike off, liquidate and alienate the fully depreciated assets (non-usable) owned by the Yerevan State University Foundation, as well as the brief version of the activity statement of the foundation for 2014 to be published in website.