
President Serzh Sargsyan, who has paid a working visit to the Republic of Latvia, today took part at the fourth Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga where he delivered a statement.
Statement by the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
at the fourth Eastern Partnership Summit
Distinguished Prime Minister Straujuma,
Distinguished President Tusk,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I thank the Latvian authorities and our EU colleagues for the excellent organization of the Fourth Eastern Partnership Summit.
Since the launching of the Eastern Partnership we have considered it a format for deepening our cooperation with the EU, encouraging contacts between our societies, and carrying out targeted sectoral cooperation in various areas. Throughout this period consolidation of cooperation with the EU has given new impetus to efforts to modernize our State upon the principles of democracy, human rights and rule of law, prompted our agenda of large-scale reforms and significantly contributed to the consolidation of civil society.
Dear colleagues,
Peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is also important for building Europe free of dividing lines. The approach of Armenia is in consonance with the international community’s position, which was reflected in the Statements by the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing nations. It is well-known that the parties negotiating under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Process upon the mediation of Russia, France and United States agreed that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict shall be settled upon the provisions of the UN Charter and Helsinki Final Act, in particular those pertaining to the people’s right to self-determination, refraining from the threat or use of force and territorial integrity. It is also well-known that Nagorno Karabakh has no relation whatsoever to Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity since it has never constituted a part of independent Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, the authorities of that country considered territorial integrity to be the only principle, jingled it as their top slogan and consistently aborted the peace process by denying other, no less important and equally legitimate principles for resolution. In the 21st century the territorial integrity, indeed, shall be respected by States, but when that integrity leads to mutilation of fate of a part to that society, when it leads to decease of any prospect for the latter’s development, the people’s right to self-determination shall not be subordinated to such integrity. At the end of the day, if the principle of territorial integrity was the only game in the book there ought not to be so many representatives of various States present around this table because there should have not simply been so many States.
Dear colleagues,
This year we have been commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide that was perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire. Numerous European nations joined us paying respect to the memory of its one and a half million victims, who had been martyred only for their being Armenian and Christian.
We are grateful to all those, who did not calibrate their actions with political expedience, and brought their contribution to the cause of prevention of crimes against humanity. On April 15, 2015 the most representative structure of the European Union adopted Resolution on the Armenian Genocide sending the Genocide recognition message to all nations of the united Europe, and also to Turkey.
Dear colleagues,
Armenia is committed to take steps jointly with its EU partners to design a new legal foundations for our relations, which will reflect, on one hand, the content of the preceding negotiations Armenia conducted with the EU and, on the other, will be compatible with the other integration processes, in particular, with the commitments stemming from our accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. Armenia, meanwhile, highly values application of differentiated and tailor-made approaches to every individual country, which shall be designed around the progress made in the implementation of reforms, and reiteration of the principle “more for more." We strongly believe that all partners shall adhere to shared values and ensure peace and stability of the region. The Republic of Armenia will continue working exactly in this direction.
I thank you.