
President Serzh Sargsyan today visited CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute.
Serzh Sargsyan familiarized with the works of the first phase of CANDLE, the AREAL Project, and the institute’s international cooperation projects at the hall where the AREAL linear accelerator is located.
The small emittance ultra-short electron beam pulses produced by the linear accelerator provide the opportunity for advanced experimental study in the fields of novel accelerator concepts, new coherent radiation sources and dynamics of atomic and molecular processes. Today such researches are one of the top-priority directions of the world’s leading accelerator centers. The AREAL accelerator uses advanced technologies, including laser physics, high frequency techniques, ultrahigh vacuum equipments, ultra precision guidance systems and control of different physical processes and their conformity.
Later on, the session of CANDLE’s Board of Trustees took place at CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute with the participation of the Honorary Chairman of the Board, Serzh Sargsyan. At the session Director Vasili Tsakanov presented the institute’s upcoming development and long-term projects targeted at elevating various natural science experimental studies to a new advanced level. The board of trustees discussed CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute’s 2013-2014 Activities Report, the Action Plan for the Development of the AREAL Accelerator and the Creation of the CANDLE Synchrotron Light Source in Armenia, as well as the institute’s 2015 budget.
Additional information
The first electron beam pulse was produced by the AREAL accelerator on December 20, 2013. The settings of its main systems were finished and its project parameters were provided in May-June 2014. The results have been reported at prestigious international conferences, a number of European accelerator centers, A. I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory and at the RA National Academy of Sciences (NAS).
The International Conference on Contemporary Issues of Acceleration Physics held in Yerevan in 2010 gave an impetus to developing the AREAL Project. Within the framework of this conference, an international expert committee was established to draft proposals on creation of the CANDLE synchrotron light source in Armenia. After discussing it with the RA Prime Minister, the committee proposed a stag-by-stage plan to build the CANDLE accelerator. This method has been successfully applied by many other accelerator centers of the world.
The AREAL accelerator was designed and built during 2011-2013, in close international cooperation with the German DESY accelerator center and Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute. An international group of leading foreign specialists rendered expert assistance to this project.
The DELTA laboratories together with stations for biomedical and micro-technological experiments were established in October 2014. From December 2014, scientific groups, formed in A. I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Yerevan State University, the RA NAS Molecular Biology Institute and the CANDLE institute, are to launch experimental researches at the AREAL complex which include contemporary issues of molecular physics, materials science, biophysics, biomedicine, microelectronics and new accelerator technologies.
The institute fulfilled an important order of making electro-physical equipment for the German DESY accelerator center in August-September 2014. Long-term research projects on new accelerator technologies and radiation sources are planned to be conducted at the AREAL complex in cooperation with foreign partners.