
President receives CE Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks


 President Serzh Sargsyan today received a delegation headed by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (CE) Nils Muiznieks.

The president welcomed the guest and underscored that Armenia attaches great importance to the cooperation with the CE, the chief guarantor of human rights in Europe, and its support of continuous reforms implemented in our country. According to the president, the institute of CE Commissioner for Human Rights with which Armenia has traditionally promoted effective cooperation in a constructive and mutually beneficial environment plays a great role in all that. Serzh Sargsyan stated with satisfaction that during Mr. Muiznieks’s tenure that collaboration continues and expressed confidence that the visit of the CE Commissioner for Human Rights to Armenia will give a new stimulus to the bilateral relations.

Nils Muiznieks noted that during his visits to various countries he puts the most important issues of the given country high on his busy work agenda and concentrates upon them at corresponding meetings. Arriving in Armenia, they have decided to concentrate upon issues concerning judicial reforms and gender equality and fight against domestic violence. The CE Commissioner for Human Rights stressed that he is happy to learn these spheres have recorded some progress.

At the meeting the interlocutors touched upon the process of RA constitutional reforms, the implementation process of obligations assumed by Armenia after joining the CE, including reforms in a number of directions. The Armenian President noted that in recent years Armenia has made consistent and, more importantly, continuous reforms aimed at enhancing the principles of democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law. Armenia has made considerable progress in fulfilling its membership obligations with the support of the CE which has yield to tangible and permanent results.

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