


 Today, the President of the Republican Party of Armenia held a meeting with the participants of the RPA Youth Organization’s gathering in Tsaghkadzor.

The three-day gathering started on May 30. The RPA Youth Organization organizes such meetings following a usual party convention during which the statements made and theses proposed at that convention are dwelled on and coming actions are outlined. The purpose of the gathering is to help young republicans get in touch with elder party members, party leadership, as well as to discuss issues pertaining to party activities with various executives. All in all, around 260 young republicans are taking part in the Tsaghkadzor gathering.

RPA President Serzh Sargsyan attended thematic discussions being held at separate halls by the Youth Organization’s working groups. The discussions referred to the massages sent during the 15th RPA Convention, the subsequent actions of the RPA Youth Organization, the Youth Organization’s possible assistance to the government program, its participation in the programs dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the concept of Constitutional amendments.

Afterwards, the RPA President held a meeting with the RPA Youth Organization Council, answered the questions of the Council members concerning party activities, as well as the internal and external policy of our country.

One of the young republicans enquired about President Serzh Sargsyan’s opinion on Armenia’s integration in the Eurasian Economic Union considering the letter of the Azeri President on the inclusion of the NKR in the Armenian territory in case of Armenia’s membership in the Union read by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev at the enlarged session of the Supreme European Economic Council in Astana.

“At first, I have to say that Armenia does not face any obstacle in becoming a member of the Customs Union. By referring to 2-3 issues, we mean issues of pure technical kind which pertain to our trade relations. Concerning the words of Nazarbayev, it is first and foremost wrong to speak about borders. What borders are we talking about? Nagorno-Karabakh’s issue is not addressed in the framework of the Customs Union. Who says that we are going to join the Customs Union together with Nagorno-Karabakh? It is impossible because presently Nagorno-Karabakh does not constitute the part of Armenia at least according to our legislation and our notions. On the other hand, our membership in the Customs Union unequivocally stimulates the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Of course, we did not like what Nazarbayev said but it can’t harm us anyway,” answered President Serzh Sargsyan.

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