


 Distinguished Prime Minister,
Distinguished participants of the Summit,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I also join the words of gratitude addressed to the Netherlands for excellent organization and conduct of the Summit.

Armenia is actively engaged in the international processes for finding solutions to the nuclear security issues. Following the Seoul Summit Armenia took steps towards implementation of the agreed objectives. In May 2013 Armenia ratified the 2005 amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. The ratification instruments for both Conventions were deposited with the IAEA. Moreover, we have consolidated the legal tools for the accounting and control of nuclear material by amending the Law on the safe exploitation of the nuclear energy for the peaceful purposes.

In order to neutralize the threat of nuclear terrorism a nuclear and radiological forensics laboratory was established in Armenia with the US assistance in January 2013. The laboratory has significantly contributed to the improvement of Armenia’s capacity to respond to the threat of transnational nuclear smuggling.

I believe regional cooperation is pivotal in prevention matters. In June 2012 we conducted a joint cross-boundary exercise with our neighbor, Georgia on countering the proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction.

Armenia has initiated development of a national action plan on the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1540 with the engagement of the OSCE, UN Security Council Resolution 1540 Committee and European Union experts.

Distinguished Mr. Chairman,

Today the President of Azerbaijan raised the issue of the safety of the Armenian Metsamor nuclear power plant. I would like to note that we closely cooperate with the IAEA in ensuring the safety of Armenian nuclear power plant via consistent implementation of the requirements set by the Agency’s technical document 640. The results of the OSART mission attest to that. What refers to the voiced rumors as if we have had troubles related to radioactive waste, such a lie is first and foremost a demonstration of non-confidence towards international structures, since we coordinate all our programs with the IAEA.

I thank you for your attention.


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