


 Today, being on a state visit in the Czech Republic, President Serzh Sargsyan and President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman attended Armenian-Czech business forum held in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The Presidents greeted business forum of such format and the documents signed in the framework of it.

In particular, President Miloš Zeman stressed the importance of the agreements signed between Armenia and Czech separate regions which create good basis for developing decentralized cooperation. Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Miloš Zeman agreed that Armenian-Czech economic relations have great potentiality and a great role is preserved for businessmen for complete use of it, they expressed confidence that the parties will officially encourage the ties expansion and cooperation development between businessmen.

In his address, President Serzh Sargsyan presented economic opportunities of Armenia, continuous improvement works on business and investment areas, organized large-scale economic improvements the results of which are mentioned in international high ranking reports. According to them, in particular, the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation's "Doing Business" 2014 annual report, Armenia takes the 37th place among 185 countries. Speaking about the RA economic opportunities, the President of Armenia said, “I think that the events which took place in last few months create more favorable conditions for business. First, on September 3, 2013 it was our decision to join the Customs Union, in other words, it was our decision to join the market with a population of 200 million. Second, in December, it was the preferential trade regime re-establishment by the European Parliament with the Republic of Armenia among 9 countries. In other words, we can be a connecting bridge having free movement of product, workforce, finance with the Customs Union, and on the other hand, having preferential trade conditions with member countries of the European Union. I think it is an extremely important factor that both me and Mr. Zeman are deeply interested in having rapid growth of trade relations between our two countries.”

During business forum, Presidents of Armenia and Czech Republics spoke in detail about the areas of cooperation which have a perspective of development among them noting energy, information technologies area, food industry, jewelry making, etc.

President Miloš Zeman noted that he accepted President Serzh Sargsyan invitation to visit Armenia with gratitude and expressed confidence that during the visit a signified delegation of Czech businessmen will accompany him and the next meeting of the two countries’ businessmen will take place in Yerevan.

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan visited one of the most ancient abbeys in the capital of the Czech Republic, Strahov Monastery. The President was introduced with the founding history of the complex, The Philosophical Hall located in the territory of the monastery, Strahov picture gallery and the vast library which exists over 800 years where more than 2,500 manuscripts and 130,000 books are stored.

The President of Armenia was also in Virgin Mary Ascension Cathedral founded in 1140-1143.

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