


 President Serzh Sargsyan received today Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to the Republic of Armenia Bruno Scapini who is concluding his diplomatic mission in our country.

Serzh Sargsyan thanked Ambassador Scapini for the considerable works accomplished during his tenure aimed at the deepening of the relations between the two countries. The President noted with satisfaction that in recent years, the political dialogue between Armenia and Italy has intensified, trade ties have become more active which is reflected in the increasing volume of the turnover. In the military, educational and cultural, tourism and other areas too, according to the President, the two countries have formed efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation. The parties concurred that Armenia and Italy maintain also close interparliamentary relations and decentralized cooperation is also developing successfully. According to President Sargsyan, Ambassador Scapini’s personal input in all this is significant.

Ambassador Bruno Scapini said that for him, as a diplomat, working in Armenia was a great honor and underscored that in these years he saw Armenia in a new light and felt at the spot how similar are the temperaments and aspirations of the Armenians and Italians and how many similarities have the two countries which range from history and culture and to the approaches and stances on the global events.

Before bidding farewell, Ambassador Bruno Scapini underscored that he would keep the memories of this magnificent country in his mind and in his heart and although he concluded his diplomatic mission in Armenia, he didn’t conclude his personal mission of being constantly useful to Armenia and the Armenian people within his capabilities.

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