


 President Serzh Sargsyan and Mrs. Rita Sargsyan who are visiting the Russian Federation today participated at the ceremony of consecration of the Armenian Cathedral in Moscow and opening of the Church compound.

The ceremony of consecration of the Cathedral was conducted by His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II. The ceremony was attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill who gave his blessings, the President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakian, state and public figures of the Russian Federation, heads of the major Armenian Apostolic Church dioceses from Armenia and abroad, representatives and benefactors.

The construction of the Church compound, which is located in the center of Moscow and built in accordance with the Armenian national architectural traditions, was commenced back in 2006. It comprises the Cathedral, the Holy Cross Church, the diocese office, educational, cultural, administrative and hostel units, reception and festivity halls and a museum. The compound is built with light apricot colored tuff while the Cathedral is built with rose tuff brought from а stone quarry situated in the vicinity of the Armenian capital Ani and is decorated with crosses, bas-reliefs and the Armenian alphabet.

The compound through its appearance and bas-reliefs relates to the citizens of Moscow and guests of the Russian capital about the Armenian people, presents momentous pages of our history – invention of the alphabet, adoption of Christianity, our struggle for faith and motherland, the Golden Age, etc. The ornaments and bas-reliefs are harmoniously connected with the scattered over the territory of the compound numerous cross-stones – symbols of the Armenian sculptural art.

After the official ceremony of the consecration of the Cathedral, President Serzh Sargsyan along with the organizers, benefactors and guests watched at the reception hall of the administrative building of the Church “The Armenians in Moscow: Historical Road” exhibition, which was organized by the Russia and Nor Nachijevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, National Archives of Armenia, RF Federal Agency of Archives, the General Department of Moscow Archives, and State Central Archives of Moscow.

The opulent exhibition presents the almost five-century long history of the Armenian community of Moscow starting from the end of the XIV century up to the beginning of the XX century. The exhibition is called upon to enhance the understanding of the role of the Church and community in the life of the Armenian nation and the processes of mutual enrichment of the Armenian and Russian cultures.

The President of Armenia visited also the educational and cultural units, as well as the Church hostel. Later, in the courtyard of the Church he was present at the unveiling ceremony of the Love and Brotherhood memorial fountain dedicated to the friendship of the Armenian and Russian peoples.

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