


 President Serzh Sargsyan participated today at the inauguration of the new, fully equipped with all modern devised administrative office of the Mashtots branch of the RA State Revenue Committee. After the opening ceremony, he met with the leadership of the State Revenue Committee.

After the introductory remarks made by the Head of the Committee Gagik Khatchatrian regarding the SRC activities for the first six months of 2013 and Committee’s upcoming programs, the First Deputy Armen Alaverdian presented a report on the results of the Committee’s work for the first half of this year.

At the meeting, the Head of the Major Tax Payers Division Rafik Mashadian reported on the works carried out with the key tax payers. The Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the SRC Michael Pashayan presented the process of introduction of the information technologies in the Committee.

Concluding the meeting, President Sargsyan spoke about his approaches regarding the reported works and touched upon general objectives of the SRC.

Serzh Sargsyan noted that reports made during the meeting, prove once again that the results of the first half of year 2013, works carried out with the major tax payers as well as the steps aimed at the modernization of the works of the State Revenue Committee show progress.

The President attached importance, regardless of the existing difficulties, to the consistent work of the SRC aimed at the large-scale improvement, completing by the Committee of the earmarked indicators envisaged by the law on state budget and upgrading of the provided services. Underscoring that progress in the tax area is observable for everybody, including the entrepreneurs, Serzh Sargsyan noted that despite positive changes, people are still far from the idea that the works of the SRC are totally improved and perfect. He stressed that along with the already accomplished works, there is still much to be done.

“People see that now they are spending much less time to file their returns and, generally, in their interaction with the tax bodies. It’s a fact. We, naturally, have to carry on with this trend. I wish, we saw the same progress in the work of the customs bodies,” the President of Armenia said. Serzh Sargsyan informed the participants of the meeting that already this week, he will sign a decree on introducing the “one window” work mode, which will be made with the engagement of a professional structure.

“I believe that along with the construction of new checkpoints, we have to ensure that there are no additional problems in this area and that our checkpoints in their appearance and substane correspond to the European standards.

Last time we spoke about it and I saw during my visit your educational and retraining facilities. The number of those who take advantage of those facilities should be increased, involving also average inspectors. It is critical that the level of their professionalism, which I already observe in case of the high-ranking staff, is present also in the ranks of middle and junior personnel. It is very important, probably even more important than in case of superiors, because our people, our citizens, tax payers and in general all those who cross our state border, interact with regular inspectors, with the people who directly represent our state,” the President noted and underscored that it was also important to pay attention to the improvement of the SRC staff’s ability to interact with the public, to communicate with individuals, not neglecting also tidy appearance of tax inspectors, as it should be with any uniform. All this, according to the President, is shaping an attitude toward our state structures.

Once again stressing the necessity of bringing the process of reformation to its conclusion, Serzh Sargsyan highlighted the importance of bringing to its minimum the contact of a tax inspector and representatives of the business community and ensuring the best results.

“Even though in the last 4-5 years, we have doubled the revenue part of our budget, it is not enough. It is not enough in two regards: first, we have no other revenues, other sources to get funds for expenses such as keeping army, hiring teachers and doctors. We have to increase tax revenues constantly. And second, we know that although we have done a considerable job of reducing the “gray economy,” nevertheless, it still exists and compared to other, more developed countries its share is significant. Among the most critical tasks facing the tax and customs bodies is that of creating conditions for competition and equal opportunities. If one businessman in working in “gray economy” while the other is paying taxes, it is quite natural that opportunities for development of these two businesses are unequal. It is, certainly, is not a problem for the tax bodies only, however your share of the job is a large one,” the President said. At the conclusion of the meeting, he expressed hope that at the next meeting they would talk about the successful implementation of the programs mentioned today. According to President Sargsyan, SRC’s current approaches undoubtedly provide the opportunity for the structure to solve all existing problems.

Serzh Sargsyan wished all the best to the SRC employees in their important mission.

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