President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory letter to His Holiness Pope Francis

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory letter to His Holiness Pope Francis on his election as Pope of the Holy See and on assuming the mission of the Pontiff of the Catholic world. On behalf of the Armenian people and his own behalf, President Serzh Sargsyan sent his warm congratulations and best wishes.
“I am confident that Your pious service will manifest itself in the victory of faith, freedom, justice and hope, spreading its virtuous influence all over the world.
Your Holiness,
Armenia highly values Vatican’s role not only as a spiritual center but also as a defender of human’s rights and ethical norms, supporter of tolerance, mutual understanding and peace.
Twenty-years long diplomatic relations between Armenia and Vatican have always been notable for a high level dialogue, including high level reciprocal visits and close cooperation in different areas.
We eagerly expect that good traditions of the efficient cooperation between Armenia - the first country which adopted Christianity as the state religion and the Holy See will continue to deepen and develop in the same spirit as they emanate from the same source of the Christian system of values.
I wish You good health and tenacity and please accept, Your Holiness, the assurances of my highest esteem,” the letter of the President of Armenia reads.