Pre-election meeting in Kentron administrative meeting

Within the frameworks of his pre-election campaign Serzh Sargsyan held the last pre-election meeting with voters of Kentron administrative district.
In his speech the RA presidential candidate spoke about development ways of peoples and states. He emphasized the advantages of the constitutional development way, chosen by civilized countries. “I am very happy that our Constitution wins during the pre-election campaign of these presidential elections. I am proud of it. A revolution is taking place in Armenia. It is a constitutional revolution. We are carrying it out together, first of all with the active participation of our society.
It is also a beautiful pre-election campaign of Raffi Hohannisyan who shakes hands with thousands of people. Some treat it with sarcasm but the reality is that Raffi changes culture in our country, he forms a new political tradition. He proves that being an opposition candidate does not mean expressing hatred everywhere.
In spite of the fact that I do not agree with Bagratyan, I listen to his proposed program with great interest. I am happy that we have such a deputy in our parliament who is writing programs and trying to show alternative ways. Even if we do not agree with his opinion, we have no right to silence him.
I am very grateful to my opponents. I think that together with them we are carrying out a revolution and it is a constitutional revolution which first of all takes place in our consciousness,” said Serzh Sargsyan.