Pre-election meeting in Qanaqer-Zeytun administrative district

“The base of Secure Armenia is a secure family and only a healthy family can be considered to be secure. It is our main singleness of purpose which includes a lot of things,” said Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting with voters in Qanaqer-Zeytun administrative district.
In this context the RA presidential candidate spoke about the healthcare sphere reforms and underlined that they are in process, but there are still many things to do. These are not just simple wishes, but clear-cut, deliberate programs which are ready to be implemented and their implementation mechanism and financial sources are clear.
“We will hold a policy aimed at prevention diseases by means of creating healthy life-style conditions.
We will create such conditions where maternity and childhood are under the protection and umbrella of our society and state. All residents of our country should be provided with high-quality medical services. We are going to implement a maternal capital program in order to promote birthrate. Medical insurance system will be implemented for vulnerable groups of our society. We will provide high-quality medical treatment and diagnostics for early detection of diseases by means of doctors retraining at the best medical centers of the world. We will continue the regional medical centers’ reconstruction and re-equipment program implementation. In all regions of Armenia we have medical centers, which are able to provide high-quality medical services.
We are going to build hematological and ontological hospitals in conformity with international standards,” said Serzh Sargsyan.
In his speech the presidential candidate also touched upon the pre-election campaign process.