
Tonight, President Serzh Sargsyan attended the Haikian award ceremony of Armenia’s Youth Foundation which took place at the State Song Theater of Armenia. This annual award, according to the organizers, is meant to enhance activities of the self-governing bodies of the Armenian students, encourage original youth initiatives, engagement of the students in the scientific area, as well as to boost international cooperation and works conducted in the area of the state youth policy.
At the 10th Haikian Award ceremony, which took place today, prizes were awarded in more than ten nominations to the student and youth structures, which in 2012 demonstrated the best performance and the best programs. Special awards were handed personally by the President of Armenia. In particular, President Serzh Sargsyan handed awards to the Conrad Adenauer Foundation, which won in the The Most Supportive International Structure for the Youth Issues nomination, to the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia in the Best Promoter of the Cultural Values Among Young People nomination, spiritual union ARARAT of the Ararat diocese in The Best Programs for the Spiritual Education of Youth nomination, and the Students’ Parliament of the Yerevan State Medical University which won in the nomination the RA Students’ Movement Grassroots Structure.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, President Serzh Sargsyan thanked the organizers of the event, congratulated all participants and stressed the importance of the initiative, wishing all further success. The President of Armenia urged the young people to use their time efficiently, conduct active life style and through their activities strive to be most helpful for the society and the country.