President held a reception for the representatives of the business community of Armenia

On the occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays, a reception was held today at the Presidential Palace hosted by Serzh Sargsyan for the representatives of the business community of Armenia. President Sargsyan congratulated the entrepreneurs with the upcoming holidays and wished them every success.
Serzh Sargsyan spoke about the results gained in 2012, anticipated growth in the pivotal areas of economy, and fulfillment of the budget. He underscored that in the end of the year, the budget has been totally fulfilled despite the fact that the pessimists throughout the year were telling that it would be impossible to achieve.
The President thanked the entrepreneurs not only for the ongoing work, initiatives and their outcome but also for the cooperation and proper responce to the challenges faced by our state and our people in different situations. The President of Armenia noted with satisfaction that the harvest was abundant this year and the processing companies, receptive to the urges of the authorities did their best so that the farmers’ work is not wasted. They have processed a record level amount of fruits and vegetables and at the same time have been searching vigorously for new markets and new agreements.
“Our efforts aimed at the creation of a favorable business environment will be continuous. Our goal is to make Armenia for the local and foreign businesses and investors a safe place for doing business, with the stable and the rule of law environment. And the result should be practical, visible and tangible, placing the country on the list of the leading countries of world with the good business climate. We will continue to develop and modernize the tax and customs systems; the role of fair courts will become significant.
It is important for us that each next year is more efficient that the previous one, void of social and political shocks, adding bounty to our country and our people. The government-business dialogue and cooperation will go on. We already have some positive experience in that area and visible results. These results should be solidified, while the cooperation should deepen and get new impetus.
Dear Entrepreneurs,
Once again, my best wishes for the New Year. I wish you personal happiness, success in your work because your success is a promise of the well-being for tens of thousands families and their good spirit. The further advancement of our country also depends on your success.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!” President Serzh Sargsyan said in his congratulatory remarks addressed to the representatives of business circles of Armenia.