President Serzh Sargsyan received delegation of the Fund for Armenian Relief

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan received delegation of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) headed by the leader Armenian Diocese of Eastern Armenian Church of America, Chairman of the Fund for Armenian Relief Khajak Archbishop Parsamian.
The President of Armenia highly praised the patriotic activities of the Fund for Armenian Relief, underscoring that FAR has been by our country’s side at the most challenging times. “Established right after the 1988 earthquake in Spitak, FAR not only extended a helping hand to our people who suffered in the disaster but continued to bring its participation resolution of issues facing the newly independent Armenia because, unfortunately, the earthquake was not the only disaster that we had to face,” President of Armenia said.
The President welcomed the fact that FAR’s assistance programs in Armenia are gradually being substituted by the development programs, which according to President Sargsyan, is very important for the country’s development, considering that the means invested in the implementation of such programs continue to work and bring their input to the development of the economy for a long time. On behalf of the Armenian people and his own behalf, Serzh Sargsyan thanked the leadership of the Fund, all its employees and those donors who through their constant donations insure the existence of the Fund. “We all strive to have a developed and strong state and a nation united around the idea of building a beautiful Armenia. Spyurk is empowered by Armenia, Armenia is empowered by Spyurk,” President Sargsyan underscored.
At the meeting, FAR Board of Directors Chairman Randy Sapah-Gulian presented to Serzh Sargsyan different programs of the Fund in various areas and main directions of its activities. The President of Armenia spoke with the members of the delegation about Armenian economy, issues related to internal and foreign policies and answered their questions.