Deputy Minister of Healthcare, Member of RPA Council
Born in February 17,1972, in Yerevan, Arm. SSR.
Secondary education he got in school N 185.
Since 1994 to 1995 he passed internship.
Since 1995 to 1997 he worked as a doctor-dentist in Dental Polyclinic N5, Yerevan.
Since 1997 to 2002 he took a position of a deputy chief doctor of the same polyclinic.
Since 2002 to 2004 he took a position of a deputy head of the Administration for organization of medical assistance of the stuff of the Ministry of Health of RA.
Since 2004 up to present he takes a position of the Head of the Administration of Education, Science and Management of Personnel of the Stuff of the Ministry of Health of RA.
Since 2004 he is the chairman of Interdepartmental commission of MH RA.
By the order of the Minister of Defense of RA N253 from 25.03.04 he was awarded with a honorary dead for active and fruitful participation in the work of Interdepartmental commission.
On the 4th of October, 2005 by the Prime Minister of RA he was awarded with a dead of thanks.
He was awarded by the Minister of Health, RA with a dead for bringing the checking of the middle medical educational institutions of MH RA, and institutions carrying out middle-medical educational programs up to standards.
He is Deputy minister of Health of RA, 30 November 2010 since now
Military rank – lieutenant (officer of Medical service in reserve).
He is married, has a daughter.