Chief of Staff of RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Member of RPA Council
Born on 30 October 1967, Martuni.
1992 - graduated from YSMU Faculty of General Medicine.
2002 - graduated from RA Academy of Public Administration.
2004 - graduated from Moscow School of Political Studies.
1992-1994 – YSMU Department of General Surgery - clinical resident.
1992-1997 - Chairman of YSMU Students' Council.
1995-1999 - Chairman of National Youth Council of Armenia.
1997-2001 – YSMU Post-graduate Department of General Surgery.
1999 – member of RA National Assembly.
2001 - Lecturer at YSMU Department of Public Health and Healthcare.
2004 - Armenian Social Investment Fund - deputy director.
1999 - "National Center for Research and Education, and creative development" - founder, head.
1999 - Member of the Republican Party of Armenia.
17 December 2005 (RPA 9th Congress), 22 July 2006 (RPA 10th Congress), 10 November 2007 (RPA 11th Congress) - elected a member of RPA Council.
28 November 2009 (RPA 12th Congress) - member of RPA Council.
Since 2010 - Head of RА Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Staff.
Married, has one child.