Born on January 25, 1962 in Yerevan.
1979-1984 – Yerevan Polytechnic Institute, Engineer-system analyst.
2004-2006 – Yerenan North University, Enterprise Marketing and Management.
1978-1979 - Мotor transport Ministry of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, Construction Department, worker.
1984-1993 – “Armaviacomplex”, “Hrazdan”, “Microprocessor” factories, Engineer, Head of division, Deputy Chief Engineer, Chief engineer.
1993-2004 - Entrepreneurship.
2004-2007 – RA Government Staff, RA Prime Minister Control Service, Chief Specialist.
2007-2008 - RA Government Staff, Department on Urban Planning and Natural Recourses, Head.
Since 2008 - RA Government Staff, Department on Territorial Development and Nature Protection, Head.
Member of RPA.
Married, with two children.