Born on 10 October 1977, Vardablur village, Aragatsotn Region.
1983-1990 - Vardablur secondary school.
1990-1994 - Yerevan boarding school of physics and mathematics N1 after A. L. Shahinyan.
1994-1999 - Yerevan State University, Department of Radiophysics.
1999-2001 – Military service in RA armed forces - artillery battalion, head of communication.
2005 – RPA member. Since 2012 - member of RPA Council.
April 2007 – present – RPA Central Office - coordinator of territorial organizations.
2009 - RPA12th Congress - elected a member of RPA Audit Commission.
January 2010 – present - Chairman of RPA Aragatsotn Regional Organization Council.
2010 – awarded with RPA President's diploma for effective party activities.
Married, has one child.